Town Lands Charity
The Parish Council are custodian trustee of the Town Lands Charity, which owns Clay pits field. This is currently let to a local farmer for agricultural use. The rent that the Charity receives for this field is distributed annually among parishioners who are in receipt of a State Retirement Pension and who have registered for this benefit.
Village Hall Charity
The Parish Council is custodian trustee of the Woodhurst Village Hall charity. The main duty is to hold the property of the charity and to have the custody of all securities and documents relating to property owned by the charity. A custodian trustee cannot manage a charity – that is a matter for the managing trustees; it cannot act for the managing trustees even if there are none and must carry out the managing trustees’ instructions unless that would involve the custodian trustee in a breach of trust or some personal liability.
Local Planning
The parish council considers all planning applications within the parish at regular council meetings, calling extraordinary meetings if necessary to meet planning deadlines.
Bus shelter
The parish council owns, maintains and arranges the cleaning of the bus shelter within the village – please notify the Clerk if the shelter is damaged or in need of cleaning.
Telephone Box
The parish council has ‘adopted’ the phone box from BT and is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning.
Other items
The parish council owns and is responsible for a number of other items around the village, including Benches, fire hooks and the Pump and ensures that they are maintained. A copy of the Asset Register is available for inspection upon request.